Most of us are taught from an early age not to be judgemental of others, and to let everyone live their own lives without our judgement. But the truth is that we all make split-second judgements about everyone we meet, the second we lay eyes on them. It’s simply human nature, and this immediate judgement is necessary in order for us to make sense of the world around us.
But knowing this trait about humans, it’s important that we realize this, and consciously make an effort to optimize that initial judgement being made of us, through our look, our mannerisms, our language, speech patterns, and more.
This episode is about the 5 ways I (and most people) make split-second judgements about people I see, and, as a consequence, what you can do to make that initial impression of you stronger, and what you want it to be..
Click here to listen on iTunes – Podcast #45: The 5-Ways I Judge You
Click here to listen on Soundcloud – Podcast #45: The 5-Ways I Judge You
Click here to listen on Stitcher – Podcast #45: The 5-Ways I Judge You
Key Takeaways:
- Everyone makes split-second judgments about you. They can’t help it
- With this in-mind, your appearance and initial impression is incredibly important
- People need to know that they are a priority to you
- Open doors for people
- Everyone will judge you based on their own shortcomings. The way we see other people is expression of ourselves
The 5-Ways I Judge You:
- Punctuality
- Preparation
- Manners
- Language
- My own shortcomings
Mindset Takeaway:
Because people will always make split-second judgements about you, be careful to think about and engineer what that split-second judgement will be