Can you match a linen jacket with trousers of a different material?
So a gentleman's asking, “Antonio, I love reading your style guide,” which hopefully you know I've got an awesome style guide over at the website
“I have a question regarding a linen sports coat. I purchased it and I'm trying to match it with trousers so do I have to wear it with linen pants or can I wear a pair of khakis with it or any type of cotton dress pants? Also, can I wear a cotton dress shirt underneath or should I wear a linen shirt with it?”
There is no rule that you have to wear the same type of fabrics altogether.
So if you have a linen jacket, you're not limited to linen shirts or linen trousers. You can match pretty much any other type of fabric and I like that look. It adds a bit of texture.
Linen's a very casual fabric and the reason being is it uses usually a thicker weave when you get down to the yarns that are used to make the fabric. They're usually a bit larger not as fine as you'll see in really high-end cottons.
Silk. One of the reasons silk has its sheen is not only the weave, but the fineness of the yarn used to weave it. Because it comes from a rougher plant material, you're using larger yarns.
And therefore, you get this basically thicker-looking weave that's very prone to wrinkle. So because of that, linen is considered casual, but you can mix linen with cotton. You can mix it with wool.
You can mix it with synthetics. You can mix it with pretty much any other type of material used to make men's clothing. Let's talk about a few of those options.
Linen. Typically I'm thinking of something hot weather so I'm going to be sticking with that realm. Now, a great option, probably one of the easiest for most men to match almost any type of linen jacket, is denim. High-quality denim.
You can go with a darker linen jacket that's going to look great going out at night perhaps in New York City or Chicago. Match it with a lighter colored denim jacket and that same look has a bit more contrast and is more geared towards day wear.
The problem with jeans or any type of denim is that usually it's got a heavier weight. It's not as breathable. There are lightweight denims out there that are made specifically for the summer in a lighter color. It sounds like a great combination. But then again, I have to actually see it to be able to tell you.
Tropical weight wools. This is going to be dressier than any type of chino or khaki. Tropical weight wool is typically what you see with a suit, although they're going to be lighter weight.
The great part about tropical wools is because they're lightweight, they're really loose and they just glide along the skin and they just feel cooler even though they don't always have as much breathability simply because they're lightweight.
And wool does a great job not only in cold weather, but also hot weather. A lot of people don't realize that, but wool will help keep you cool in hot weather as well.
Synthetics. Something that most guys stay away from. There are some good ones out there you just need to know what to look for. I always like to look at the weave of the synthetic and look at the brand that it's coming from.
I just found a great pair of synthetic trousers in Austin, Texas. I needed a pair of lightweight trousers. I went to I think it was Macy's. I knew what my size was and grabbed this pair of Perry Ellis.
It had supposedly a matching jacket with that but I didn't need the jacket. I just wanted those trousers. I measured it and they looked great. I took them into the fitting room. Things fit perfectly, bottom, right there and these trousers were awesome.
They were 100% synthetic but I looked at the weave. I felt how they felt on me in the fitting room and I knew I could pull these off. It didn't matter that it was going to be 95 degrees and humid outside. These things were going to work great.
That brought up a trick to keep trousers cooler in the summer. Again, we're talking about linen. Make sure they're brought up a little bit so you get a little bit of air movement down around the bottom of your leg.
Chinos or khakis. What's the difference? I'm not going to go down that path too much but basically chinos are less formal; khakis are what you typically see guys try to wear at work made with usually a twill weave, less room, breathable.
You can roll up the bottom that allow air movement and allow them to vent a bit and you can wear those with Topsiders or any type of shoe that you can wear, sockless or look at a saddle shoe as well.
That right there would go great with a linen jacket and perhaps throw a cotton button-up shirt with that, white or a lighter color. That will give you a very airy, very nice feel.
So that hopefully answers your question about what type of fabrics you can wear with linen jackets. And whenever you're out shopping, you may find a linen jacket that comes with a matching pair of linen trousers, that's a linen suit.
The definition of a suit is a jacket and trousers that are made from the same material so technically there are denim suits out there and polyester suits but a linen suit is perfectly fine.
You may actually find it's not too much — oftentimes, they'll discount it when you buy them together versus if you buy them separate so the advantage there is you're going to get two discounted pieces of clothing that you can actually wear as separates.
Linen is a bit more resistant than wool to fading. A lot of times, I'll tell someone when they only own one suit that they don't want to wear them as separates especially if you've only got one pair of trousers and one jacket because you never want to have an orphan jacket.
That's just not the way you want to go but if you're getting a linen suit, you probably already own a business suit, if not a few other suits, so this is a case where you can actually wear those separates. Again, the thing with linen is wrinkles but if you don't mind putting up with that, it's a great summer wear.
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